Simple Explanation of the Pinyin Sounds

After learning Chinese Mandarin for over 10 years. I feel I should write a guide on how to pronounce Mandarin and so give something back to the language learning community. This guide will go over all the pronunciations for specifically Taiwanese Mandarin but it’s about 90% the same as mainland China. This is everything I wish I knew when I started learning.

Failed Attempt at Creating a Video Search Engine

Social Media

Test Your Chinese Using This Quiz

I haven’t found a good online test to simulate the official TOCFL Chinese test. So here is a version I made.

Using Sidekiq Iteration and Unique Jobs

This will remove the sidekiq iteration hash from the arguments, so the sidekiq job will appear unique to unique jobs.

Using Radicale with Gnome Calendar

After reading this post on getting Radicale working on Gnome CalDav and CardDav. I just wanted to make my own post to show how it’s done in nginx. Here is the code below: