Favorite Hub Aliases For Git
Hub is a command line tool that extends git with Github specific commands, and also some other git enhancements but this post is just about the Github aspect. I originally thought it was not useful but I gave it a try and after a few months, it’s now part of my everyday tool kit.
Why I Stopped Using Linux
For over 5 years I have been using Ubuntu as my main desktop and for the last 6 months Elementary OS. Today I have given up hope on the desktop Linux and have reluctantly switched to OSX.
Most Anticipated Indie Games of 2016
12 Minutes
Unity RTS Game Architecture
I have created many games over the years – mostly small Flash games. And I feel that I have finally constructed a robust game architure which should be the basis of every game. This is inspired by the MVC pattern but with some modifications – a game isn’t a user interface but instead revolves around a game loop.